A Note on Gratitude

As we approach the end of 2022, it’s not unusual to get a bit reflective on the year we had and take inventory for the year ahead in preparation to be better, do better and become more aligned with the person we want to grow into. Thankfully we have Thanksgiving serving as a launching pad, propelling us into an “attitude of gratitude” as we try to break down the enormity of what that means. Gratitude. We are encouraged to practice it all day starting from our morning Hatha yoga class to our favorite unwinding night time podcast. When we want to manifest something in our life, our audiobooks start the first chapter with a formula of deliberate thankfulness for what you already possess which then positions your stance into receive-mode. Then, voila, the universe bends itself to grant you magnetic abilities. Everything you want can and will be yours. But isn’t less more? What exactly are we striving for? One thing is for sure, when we lack gratitude we can get greedy. Our insatiable minds tell us we need more, more, more and that of course leaves us feeling spiritually vacant and (because we love bringing things back to fashion around here) with overflowing and uninspiring closets. Ah, a full wardrobe with nothing to wear. You know the story. To be sincerely grateful is to live presently while trying to avert the carefully placed distractions. To move away from a state of perpetual wanting. To cherish the value of a few great friends over 20 vapid acquaintances. To appreciate the quality of your one cashmere sweater over a dozen itchy acrylic ones. And to have courage to purge the proverbial and literal drawers and shelves of your world that don't reflect the image you want representing you any longer. To that we say, Thank you and goodbye!

And so, before New Year's Eve comes around, which will be in basically an hour, and you start making promises to yourself, for yourself - Start with a bit of gratitude today by appreciating the quality over the illusion of quantity in every area of your life. 

Happy Thanksgiving xx

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